• 6 ноября 2017, понедельник
  • Москва, Варшавское шоссе 9, стр. 1б

C++ meetup в офисе Align Technology

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2699 дней назад
6 ноября 2017 c 14:00 до 19:00
Варшавское шоссе 9, стр. 1б

Встреча для профессионалов в области разработки на C++ пройдет в ноябре этого года в офисе компании Align Technology при поддержке сообщества C++ User Group.

Программа встречи:

14:00 Регистрация

14:30 Sean Parent "Better Code: Human interface"

Sean Parent is a principal scientist and software architect for Adobe’s mobile digital imaging group. Sean has been at Adobe since 1993 when he joined as a senior engineer working on Photoshop and later managed Adobe’s Software Technology Lab. In 2009 Sean spent a year at Google working on Chrome OS before returning to Adobe. From 1988 through 1993 Sean worked at Apple, where he was part of the system software team that developed the technologies allowing Apple’s successful transition to PowerPC.

Sean: This talk explains the relationship between good code and a good human interface (graphical or otherwise). Human interface semantics are tightly coupled with code semantics and improving how we reason about code can have a direct on positive impact on the human interface behavior of a system. Part of my “Better Code” series of talks, the goal is “Don’t Lie.”

16:00 Mikhail Matrosov “Daily C++: algorithms and iterators”

Mikhail Matrosov is a Technical Manager Align Technology, Inc.

Mikhail: I will tell how to write simple, expressive and effective code in modern C++ to solve daily problems. We will review a real code sample from my practice and I will show how to make it better. Applicability of standard algorithms and boost::range library will be disussed.

17:30 Anton Tokar “Boost::multi_index debug visualization in Visual Studio”

Anton Tokar is a Senior Software Developer at Align Technology. 

Anton: I will tell you how to make your life simpler using the power of Natvis

18:30 Обсуждение

Все доклады будут на английском языке. 


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